18th Edition

Florence, May 29th – 31st, 2024

Lectio: Hisham Matar

Finalists: Michael Cunningham, Álvaro Enrigue, Han Kang, Claire Keegan, Laurent Mauvignier

Winner for translation: Daniele Ventre



Wednesday, May 29th

6.oo PM
 Cenacolo del complesso monumentale di Santa Croce

  • Greetings from
  • Cristina Acidini, President Opera di Santa Croce
  • Eugenio Giani, President Regione Toscana
  • Alessia Bettini Deputy Mayor of the City of Florence
  • To Know and to Know Not Lectio Magistralis by Hisham Matar

Reservation required at the link:

Thursday, May 30th

11.00 AM
Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux
Sala Ferri, Palazzo Strozzi, Piazza Strozzi

  • Greetings from
    Antonio Mazzeo, President Consiglio Regionale della Toscana
    Cristina Giachi, President Commissione Cultura del Consiglio Regionale della Toscana
    Michele Rossi, Director Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G. P. Vieusseux
  • Award Ceremony of the First Edition of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori for Young Poets

5.30 PM
Cinema La Compagnia
Via Camillo Cavour 50/R

9:00 PM
Cinema La Compagnia
Via Camillo Cavour 50/R

  • Announcement of the winner of the 18th Edition with Beatrice Monti della Corte
  • The Odissey by Homer in the translation by Daniele Ventre (Ponte alle Grazie, 2023) winner of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori for translation
    read by Fausto Russo Alesi
  • Conversation between Andrea Landolfi and Paola Del Zoppo with the winner
    Artistic direction by Volker Schlöndorff
  • Reservation required at the link:


Friday, May 31st
It will be possible to follow the following events online on the Santa Maddalena Foundation’s YouTube channel and during a special on the Premio by Rai Cultura

10.30 AM

  • Conversazione between Colm Tóibín and Michael Cunningham (Day)
    Online Event

 11.00 AM

  • Conversazione between Alberto Manguel and Álvaro Enrigue, Il sogno (You Dreamed of Empires)
    Online Event

 11.30 AM

  • Conversation between Andrea Bajani and Han Kang, L’ora di greco (Greek Lessons)
    Online Event

 4.00 PM

  • Conversation between Andrea Bajani and translator Monica Pareschi
    on Claire Keegan, Un’estate (Foster)
    Online Event

 4.30 PM

  • Conversation between Maylis de Kerangal and Laurent Mauvignier, La festa di compleanno (Histoires de la nuit)
    Online Event


17th Edition

Florence, May 30 – June 1st, 2023

Lectio: Atiq Rahimi

Finalists: Anuk Arudpragasam, Hernan Diaz, Lauren Groff, Colm Tóibín, Antoine Volodine 

Winner for Translation: Bruno Arpaia



Tuesday, 30th of May 

6.00 PM
Cenacolo del complesso monumentale di Santa Croce

  • Greetings from
  • Alessia Bettini Deputy Mayor of the City of Florence
  • Eugenio Giani, President Regione Toscana
    Cristina Giachi, President Commissione Cultura della Regione Toscana
    Cristina Acidini, President Opera di Santa Croce
  • L’intelligence de la beauté – Lectio Magistralis by Atiq Rahimi


Wednesday, 31st of May 

4.30 PM
Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux- Sala Ferri piazza Strozzi

  • Anilda Ibrahimi meets the youths from Porto delle Storie, authors of the book Quanto manca alle sei (How long before six)
  • The young authors present their book. Michele Arena, Laura Pirinu, and Agripino Do Monte Gomes will be present.

8.00 PM
Teatro della Pergola, Saloncino 

  • Greetings from
  • Antonio Mazzeo President of the Regional Council
    Luigi Salvadori President Fondazione CR Firenze
  • Announcement of the winner of the 17th edition with Beatrice Monti della Corte
  • Il Castello di Barbablù by Javier Cercas in the translation by Bruno Arpaia (Guanda, 2022) winner of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori for translation
    read by Marcello Prayer
  • Speech by Andrea Landolfi and Paola Del Zoppo with the winner
    Artistic direction by Volker Schlöndorff


Thursday, 1st of June 
It will be possible to follow the following events online on the Santa Maddalena Foundation’s YouTube channel and during a special on the Premio by Rai Cultura.

10.30 AM

  • Conversation between Andrea Bajani and Anuk Arudpragasam (Passaggio a nord – A Passage North)
    Online event


11.00 AM

  • Conversation between Alberto Manguel and Hernan Diaz (Trust)
    Online event


11.30 AM

  • Conversation between Edmund White and Colm Tóibín (Il mago – The Magician)
    Online event


4.00 PM

  • Conversation between Maylis de Kerangal and Antoine Volodine (Le ragazze Monroe – Les filles de Monroe)
    Online event


4.30 PM

  • Conversation between Ernesto Ferrero and Lauren Groff (Matrix)
    Online event

For in-person events, reservation is compulsory by emailing until capacity is reached.



XVI Edition

May 30 – June 1, 2022


Lectio: Paolo Cognetti

Finalists: Louise Erdrich, Georgi Gospodinov, Benjamín Labatut, Javier Marías, Robin Robertson

Winner for Translation: Claudia Zonghetti




4.00 PM Cenacolo dell’Opera di Santa Croce

Greetings from
Stefano Filipponi General secretary, Opera di Santa Croce
Carl Strehlke, call for high schools Questione di sguardi, Uffizi diffusi
Chiara Tagliaferri meets the youths from Porto delle Storie
Michele Arena, Laura Pirinu, Sofia Balleggi, Sara Gennai and Alice Mugnai will participate.

Booking required at the email address subject to availability


6.00 PM Cenacolo dell’Opera di Santa Croce

Greetings from
Cristina Acidini President – Opera di Santa Croce
Eugenio Giani President of Regione Toscana
Dario Nardella Mayor of the Municipality of Florence
Luigi Salvadori President of Fondazione CR Firenze

Paolo Cognetti Lectio Magistralis
Laki and I

Booking required at the email address subject to availability


9.00 PM Cinema La Compagnia

Volker Schlöndorff presents his film
The Forest Maker (Germany, 2021)

Booking required at the email address subject to availability




Sarà possibile seguire gli appuntamenti online sul
Canale Youtube della Fondazione Santa Maddalena

ore 16.00 Evento Online

Saluti di
Cristina Giachi Presidente della Quinta Commissione Cultura e Istruzione del Consiglio Regionale della Toscana
Conversazione di Maylis de Kerangal con Louise Erdrich
Il guardiano notturno
(Feltrinelli, traduzione di Andrea Buzzi)


ore 16.30 Evento Online

Conversazione di Claudio Magris con Javier Marías
Tomás Nevinson
(Einaudi, traduzione di Maria Nicola)


ore 17.00 Evento Online

Conversazione di Andrea Bajani con Georgi Gospodinov
(Voland, traduzione di Giuseppe Dell’Agata)


ore 18.00 Cenacolo dell’Opera di Santa Croce

Saluti di
Cristina Acidini Presidente dell’Opera di Santa Croce
Tomaso Montanari Rettore dell’Università per Stranieri di Siena
Quel lavoro di formica e di cavallo che è una traduzione
Laboratorio con Claudia Zonghetti per gli studenti delle due università di Siena

Prenotazione obbligatoria a fino a esaurimento posti


ore 20.30 Teatro Goldoni

Luigi Lo Cascio legge da I fratelli Karamazov di Fëdor Dostoevskij (Einaudi, 2021)
Conversazione di Andrea Landolfi e Paola Del Zoppo con Claudia Zonghetti, vincitrice del Premio Gregor von Rezzori per la traduzione
Direzione artistica Volker Schlöndorff

Prenotazione obbligatoria a fino a esaurimento posti




Sarà possibile seguire gli appuntamenti online sul
Canale Youtube della Fondazione Santa Maddalena

ore 16.00 Evento Online

Conversazione di Alberto Manguel con Benjamín Labatut
Quando abbiamo smesso di capire il mondo
(Adelphi, traduzione di Lisa Topi)


ore 17.00 Evento Online

Conversazione di Edmund White con Robin Robertson
Un nodo alla gola
(Guanda, traduzione di Matteo Campagnoli)


ore 18.00 Evento Online

Annuncio del vincitore della XVI edizione del Premio Gregor von Rezzori-Città di Firenze
con Beatrice Monti della Corte da Santa Maddalena



XIV Edition


May 25th – 28th 2020




XIII Edition

June 3rd-6th 2019

Lectio: Colm Tóibín

Finalists:  Andrés Barba, Elif Batuman, Annie Ernaux, Stefan Merrill Block, Olga Tokarczuk

Winner for Translation: Enrico Terrinoni



Monday June 3

4.00 p.m
Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux – Sala Ferri piazza Strozzi

  • Ilaria Giannini meets the young writers of Porto delle Storie, authors of Allunaggi vol.1.
  • The young authors present their book. Also with Michele ArenaLaura Pirinu, Leonardo Sacchetti and Gabriele Ametrano.
  • In collaboration with La città dei lettori | Associazione culturale Wimbledon

6.00 p.m
Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux – Sala Ferri piazza Strozzi

  • A conversation with Stefan Merrill Block, Oliver Loving (Neri Pozza), and the translator Massimo Ortelio
  • in dialogue with the Jury of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori.
  • In collaboration with La grande invasione | Festival della lettura di Ivrea

9.00 p.m
Teatro Goldoni via Santa Maria, 15

  • Fabrizio Gifuni Leggere Spoon River

  • Special guests Colm Tóibiín and Elif Batuman

  • Directed by Volker Schlöndorff

  • Introduced by Andrea Bajani, Andrea Landolfi

  • with the winner of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori for translation Enrico Terrinoni with Antologia di Spoon River by Edgar Lee Masters (Feltrinelli)

  • (free entrance while seats last)

  • In collaboration with Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino


Tuesday June 4

10.00 a.m

    • A tour of Henry James’s Florence. From Piazza Santa Maria Novella to Cimitero degli Allori
    • with Colm Tóibín, author of “The Master”, dedicated to Henry James
    • Biglietto 12 euro (per iscriversi inviare mail a
    • In collaborazione con Città nascosta. Conoscere Firenze e la Toscana

4.00 p.m
Gabinetto G.P. Vieussex – Sala Ferri piazza Strozzi

  • Premio Gregor von Rezzori Young Readers. Announcement of the winners.

  • With the participation of Elisabetta Beneforti, Silvia Costantino, Alba Donati, Ilaria Giannini, Eleonora Pinzuti, Gaia Rau.

  • In collaboration with Librerie Giunti al Punto.

6.30 p.m
Cenacolo – Basilica di Santa Croce piazza Santa Croce

  • Henry James in Florence

  • Lectio Magistralis of Colm Tóibín. Introduced by Michael Cunningham

  • (free entrance while seats last)

9.00 p.m

  • A conversation with Elif Batuman, finalist with L’Idiota (Einaudi) and the translator Martina Testa

  • in dialogue with the Jury of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori.


Wednesday June 5

6.00 p.m

  • Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux – Sala Ferri piazza Strozzi
  • A conversation with Annie Ernaux, Una donna (L’Orma), and the translator Lorenzo Flabbi

  • in dialogue with the Jury of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori.

  • In collaboration with Institut Français Firenze.


7.00 p.m

  • Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux- Sala Ferri piazza Strozzi
  • A conversation with Andrés Barba, Repubblica Luminosa  (La nave di Teseo)
  • in dialogue with the Jury of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori.


9.00 p.m

  • Todo Modo via dei Fossi 15/r
  • A conversation with Olga Tokarczuk, I Vagabondi  (Bompiani) and the translator Barbara Delfino
  • in dialogue with the Jury of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori.


Thursday June 6

2.30 p.m

  • Finalists will be signing their books in the non-corporate bookstore of Lettori Esploratori
  • Andrés Barba – Libreria Gioberti (via Gioberti 37)

  • Elif Batuman – Libreria Florida (via Filippo Corridoni 32/R)

  • Annie Ernaux – Institut Franćais Firenze (piazza Ognissanti 2)

  • Stefan Merrill Block  –  Libreria Alzaia (viale Don Minzoni 25)

  • Olga Tokarczuk – Librería Alfani (via degli Alfani 84/86/R)

6.00  p.m

  • Sala d’Arme – Palazzo Vecchio piazza della Signoria
  • Prize ceremony of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori – Città di Firenze presided over by the Mayor of the City of Florence.

  • Also in attendence, the jury for Best Work of Foreign Fiction: Andrea Bajani, Ernesto Ferrero, Andrea Landolfi, Alberto Manguel, Beatrice Monti della Corte.

  • The finalists: Andrés Barba, Elif Batuman, Annie Ernaux, Stefan Merrill Block,Olga Tokarczuk and the winner of the Prize for translation Enrico Terrinoni.



Premio von Rezzori – Città di Firenze XII Edition

May 3rd-5th 2018

Lectio: Margaret Atwood

Finalists:  Katie Kitamura, Andreï Makine, Lawrence Osborne, George Saunders, David Szalay

Winner for Translation: Claudio Groff




Thursday May 3

 4.00 p.m

Cenacolo – Basilica di Santa Croce

  • The young authors from Porto delle Storie present their first book Storie del Pianeta Perduto with Gaia Rau.
  • Also with Michele ArenaRita Primavera e Leonardo Sacchetti

5.00 p.m

Sala Ferri – Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux

  • A conversation with Lawrence Osborne, Cacciatori nel buio (Adelphi). Introduced by Andrea Tarabbia.

6.00 p.m

Sala d’Arme – Palazzo Vecchio

  • Premio Gregor von Rezzori Giovani Lettori. Introduced by Alba Donati.
  • Also with Elisabetta Beneforti, Silvia Costantino, Ilaria Giannini, Eleonora Pinzati, Gaia Rau.

7.00 p.m

Libreria Todo Modo

  • P di Pulitzer. A conversation with Andrew Sean Greer. Introduced by Andrea Bajani

Friday May 4

11.00 a.m

Cinema La Compagnia

  • Il racconto dell’ancella (1990)
  • Screening of the film by Völker Schlöndorff with Natasha Richardson, Robert Duval, Faye Dunaway.
  • The director and Margaret Atwood will be present.

4.30 p.m

Sala Ferri – Gabinetto G.P. Vieussex

  • A conversation with Andreï Makine, L’arcipelago della nuova vita (La nave di Teseo). Introduced by Helena Janeczek.

5.30 p.m

Sala Ferri – Gabinetto G.P. Viesseux

  • A conversation with Katie Kitamura, Una separazione (Bollati Boringhieri). Introduced by Rossella Milone and Costanza Prinetti.

6.30 p.m

Cenacolo – Basilica di Santa Croce

  • Three Tarot Cards. Lectio Magistralis of Margaret Atwood. Introduced by Andrea Bajani.

May 5

10.30 a.m

Biblioteca delle Oblate

  • Workshop for children “Piccoli esploratori di novelle” with Enzo Filena Carabba

10.30 a.m

Sala Ferri – Gabinetto G.P. Viesseux

  • A conversation with George Saunders, Lincoln nel bardo (Feltrinelli). Introduced by Francesca Marciano and Cristiana Mennella

11.30 a.m

Sala Ferri – Gabinetto G.P. Viesseux

  • A conversation with David Szalay, Tutto quello che è un uomo (Adelphi). Introduced by Francesco Targhetta and Anna Rusconi.

3.00  p.m

Book signing in the bookshops of Lettori Esploratori

  • Libreria Francese – Andrei Makine
  • Libreria Alzaia – David Szalay
  • Libreria Alfani – Katie Kitamura
  • Libreria Florida – Lawrence Osborne
  • Libreria Todo Modo – George Saunders

4.00 p.m

Sala Ferri – Gabinetto G.P. Viesseux

  • A conversation with Claudio Groff – Premio Gregor von Rezzori  for the translation. Introduced by Susanna Basso, Ilide Carmignani and Bruno Ventavoli

6.00 p.m

Sala d’Arme – Palazzo Vecchio

  • Prize ceremony presided over by Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence
  • Present also will be the jury for the Best Work of Foreign Fiction: Andrea Bajani, Ernesto Ferrero, Paolo Giordano, Alberto Manguel, Beatrice Monti della Corte and Edmund White and the jury for the best translation: Susanna Basso, Ilide Carmignani and Bruno Ventavoli.
  • Present also will be the finalists: Katie Kijtamura, Andrei Makine, Lawrence Osborne, George Saunders, David Szalay and Claudio Groff and the winner of the Prize for Translation.


XI Edition

I Luoghi della letteratura / in collaboration with L’Estate Fiorentina

June 14–17, 2016

Lectio: Dany Laferrière

Theater: Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Zadie Smith, Luigi Lo Cascio, Hisham Matar, Atiq Rahimi

Finalists:  Mathias Enard, Laszlo Krasznahorkai, Eduard Louis, Valeria Luiselli, Clemens Meyer 

Winner for Translation: Anna D’Elia

Special Guests: Michele Arena, Antonio Armano, Andrea Bajani, Simona Baldanzi, Susanna Basso, Anibal Campos, Ilide Carmignani, Ilaria Giannini, Paolo Giordano, Wlodek Goldkorn, Andrew Sean Greer, Andrea Landolfi, Hisham Matar, Beatrice Monti della Corte, Raffaele Palumbo, Eleonora Pinzuti, Ranieri Polese, Atiq Rahimi, Gaia Rau, Francesca Rinaldi, Leonardo Sacchetti, Volker Schöndorff, Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Bruno Ventavoli, Edmund White




6.00 p.m

Cenacolo Basilica di Santa Croce*

  • 15 young authors from Porto dell Storie and their first book with Paolo Giordano
  • Also with Michele Arena, Francesca Rinaldi, Leonardo Sacchetti and Andrew Sean Greer

9.00 p.m

Cinema Teatro Odeon *

  • La valigia vuota/The Empty Suitcase: reading from the Bible to Fuocoammare
  • with Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Zadie Smith, Luigi Lo Cascio, Hisham Matar and Atiq Rahimi. Directed by Volker Schlöndorff
  • Entrance 10 euro. Part of the proceeds are donated to Porto delle Storie


11.00 a.m

Le Murate Caffè letterario (piazza delle Murate) *

  • A coffee with Clemens Meyer, finalist for While We Were Dreaming (Keller). Introduced by Gaia Rau

12.00 p.m

Libreria Brac  (via dei Vagellai, 18) *

  • A coffee with Laszlo Krasznahorkai, finalist for Satantango (Bompiani). Introduced by Ilaria Giannini.

4.30 p.m

Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • On the Roots of Violence, a conversation with Edouard Louis, Edmund White, Simona Baldanzi


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • When We Were Dreaming a conversation with Clemens Meyer, Paolo Giordano e Volker Schlöndorff

7.00 p.m

Cenacolo Basilica di Santa Croce *

  • The Art of the Chronicle. Keynote speech by Dany Laferrière


11.00 a.m

Libreria Sit’N’ breakfast (via San Gallo 21/R) *

  • a coffee with Edouard Louis, finalist for The Story of Violence (Bompiani). Introduced by Silvia Costantino

12.00 p.m

Libreria Clichy (Via Maggio, 14) *

  • A Voyage into the Europe of Gregor von Rezzori Antonio Armano presents his book La signora col cagnolino e le nuove russe col pitbull (Edizioni Clichy). With Fulvio Paloscia and Giovanna Tomasucci.

4.30 p.m

Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • The Haunted Latin America, conversation with Valeria Luiselli, Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Andrea Bajani

5.30 p.m

Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • Apocalypse Noir, a conversation with Laszlo Krasznahorkai, Edmund White and Wlodek Goldkorn

6.30  p.m

Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • Orient, Compass of the World,  a conversation with Mathias Enard, Juan Gabriel Vásquez e Vanni Santoni

9.30 p.m

Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • Conversation with Hisham Matar and Atiq Rahimi. Moderator Igiaba Scego


11.00 a.m

Libreria Todo Modo (via dei Fossi 15R) *

  • a coffee with Mathias Enard, finalist for Compass (e/o), introduced by Eleonora Pinzuti

12.00 p.m

Libreria La Cité (Borgo San Frediano, 20/R) *

  • a coffee with Valeria Luiselli, finalist for The Story of My Teeth (La Nuova frontiera) introduced by Simona Baldanzi

4.00 p.m

Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • Rezzoriana, with Andrea Landolfi, Beatrice Monti della Corte, moderator Andrea Bajani

5.00  p.m

Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • Translating Antoine Volodine, a talk with Anna D’Elia, winner of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori for Translation.
  • With Susanna Basso, Ilide Carmignani e Bruno Ventavoli

6.30 p.m

Sala d’Arme di Palazzo Vecchio

  • Prize ceremony presided over by Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence
  • Present also will be the jury for the Best Work of Foreign Fiction, Beatrice Monti della Corte, Andrea Bajani, Ernesto Ferrero, Paolo Giordano, Alberto Manguel, Beatrice Monti della Corte, Edmund White and the jury for the Best Translation: Susanna Basso, Ilide Carmignani, Bruno Ventavoli. Present also will be the finalists: Mathias Enard, Laszlo Krasznahorkai, Eduard Louis, Valeria Luiselli, Clemens Meyer. And the winner of the Prize for Translation, Anna D’Elia. The winners of the Youth Premio Gregor von Rezzori will be announced, presented by Alba Donati.

9.00 p.m

Teatro della Compagnia *

  • Return to Montauk  (2017) advance screening of the film by Volker Schöndorff with Stellan Skarsgård and Nina Hoss. Screenplay by Volker Schlondorff and Colm Tóibín.
  • The director will be present. Introduction by Ranieri Polese
  • THE GAZEBO of the Festival degli Scrittori, for the first time in Piazza Strozzi.  What happens in the Gazebo? 
  • – information point for the dates and places of the Festival
  • – books for all of the writers of the Festival will be available, and the writers will be present to sign copies
  • – Thursday the 15th and Friday the 16th, between the hours of 17 and 19, there will be a Laboratory for children held by the non-profit school for writing Porto delle storie, creata da Macramè Cooperativa sociale.
  • The events marked with a * are part of the project “ I luoghi della letteratura” and are part of L’Estate Fiorentina.



Premio von Rezzori – Città di Firenze X Edition


June 6–8, 2016

Lectio: Etgar Keret

Teatro: Valeria Soralino

Finalisti:  Mircea Cărtărescu, Dany Laferrière, Yiyun Li, Dinaw Mengestu, Lorrie Moore 

Ospiti d’Eccezione: Andrea Bajani, Caterina Bonvicini, Luigi Brioschi, Ilide Carmignani, Michael Cunningham, Fulvio Ferrari, Ernesto Ferrero, Simone Fortuna, Paolo Giordano, Wlodek Goldkorn, Andrew Sean Greer, Andrea Landolfi, Maaza Mengiste, Alberto Manguel, Livia Manera, Bruno Mazzoni, Olga Mugnaini,Francesco Musolino, Susanna Nirenstein, Fulvio Paloscia, Raffaelle Palumbo, Valeria Parrella, Alan Pauls, Leonardo Marcello Pignataro, Vanni Santoni, Valeria Solarino, Elena Stancanelli, Martina Testa, Edmund White.



Monday, June 6

10:00 a.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi   |   Map >

  • Dany Laferrière, The World Is Moving Around Me (66th and 2nd). Conversation with students. Introduced by Simone Fortuna.

11:00 a.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • Lorrie Moore, Bark (Bompiani). Conversation with students. Introduced by Susanna Nirenstein

12:00 p.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • Press Conference with the finalists and jury

4:30 p.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • “Novel as Novel”
    Yiyun Li in conversation with Andrew Sean Greer and Caterina Bonvicini

6:30 p.m

Basilica of Santa Croce, Pazzi Chapel   |   Map >

  • Stories We Tell. Lectio magistralis by Etgar Keret. Introduced by Wlodek Goldkorn
    Free entry.

9:00 p.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • “Novel of the Stranded”
    Dinaw Mengestu in conversation with Livia Manera Sambuy and Maaza Mengiste

Tuesday, June 7

11:00 a.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi   |   Map >

  • Mircea CărtărescuBlinding (Voland). Conversation with students. Introduced by Vanni Santoni.

4:30 p.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • “Humor in the Novel”
    Lorrie Moore in conversation with Etgar Keret and Vanni Santoni.

5:30 p.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • “The Novel as Witness”
    Dany Laferrière in conversation with Elena Stancanelli and Alberto Manguel.

6:30 p.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • “Excess in the Novel”
    Mircea Cărtărescu in conversation with Bruno Mazzoni and Andrea Bajani.

7:30 p.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • The Borges Factor (Edizioni Sur)
    Alan Pauls in conversation with Alberto Manguel.

9:30 p.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • Simona Vinci reading from Bambini di ferro (La Nave di Teseo) by Viola di Grado
    Viola di Grado reading from La prima verità (Einaudi) by Simona Vinci
    Music by Shedir and Valentino Corvino. Introduced by Fulvio Paloscia.

Wednesday, June 8

11:00 a.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi   |   Map >

  • Dinaw Mengestu, All Our Names (Frassinelli). Conversation with students. Introduced by Raffaele Palumbo.

12:00 p.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • Yiyun Li, Kinder Than Solitude (Einaudi). Conversation with students. Introduced by Olga Mugnaini.

4:00 p.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • Conversation with Fulvio Ferrari, winner of the Premio for best translation with Martina Testa, Ilide Carmignani and Leonardo Marcello Pignataro.

5:00 p.m

Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • Homage to Gregor von Rezzori,
    Reading from Caino. L’ultimo manoscritto (Bompiani) and L’ultima fermata (Guanda) with Andrea Landolfi and Andrea Bajani. Introduced by Luigi Brioschi. Reader: Valeria Solarino.

6:30 p.m

Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei Cinquecento |   Map >

  • Award Ceremony for the X edition of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori – Città di Firenze in the presence of the Mayor of Florence. In attendence will bu the jury for the best work of foreign fiction Ernesto Ferrero (President of the Jury) Beatrice Monti della Corte, Alberto Manguel, Edmund White, Andrea Bajani and Paolo Giordano and the jury for the best translation Martina Testa (President of the jury), Ilide Carmignani and Leonardo Marcello Pignataro.
  • The ceremony will be the announcement of the winner of the prize for the best work of foreign fiction translated into Italian in the last year, with the five shortlisted authors: Mircea Cărtărescu, Dany Laferrière, Yiyun Li, Dinaw Mengestu and Lorrie Moore.
  • Announcement of the winners of the Premio von Rezzori – Giovani Lettori, presided over by Alba Donati.




Lectio: Jhumpa Lahiri

Theatre: Alba Rohrwacher,  Filippo Timi

Finalists:  Dasa Drndic, Andrew Miller, Guadalupe Nettel, Vladimir Sorokin, Tommy Wieringa 

Special Guests: Federica Aceto, Elif Batuman, Andrea Bajani, Leonetta Bentivoglio, Francesco Bianconi, Ilide Carmignani, Saverio Costanzo, Michael Cunningham, Giorgio Ficara, Sergio Givone, Wlodek Goldkorn, Andrew Sean Greer, Francesco Guglieri, Simone Lenzi, Maaza Mengiste, Alberto Manguel, Livia Manera, Alessandro Mari, Francesco Musolino, Susanna Nirenstein, Aldo Nove, Massimo Onofri, Fulvio Paloscia, Valeria Parrella, Carmen Pellegrino, Silvio Perrella, Leonardo Marcello Pignataro, Rosa Polacco, Tommaso Pincio, Stefano Salis, Vanni Santoni, Miguel Syjuco, Antonio Scurati, Martina Testa, Edmund White.



Wednesday 10 June

12.00  Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Premio Gregor von Rezzori Young Readers

Prize-giving for the five best reviews

With the jury Alba Donati, Chiara Dino, Fulvio Paloscia, Carlo Pestelli, Vanni Santoni and Leonardo Sacchetti.

Presenting the prize, the authors Dasa Drndic, Andrew Miller, Guadalupe Nettel, Vladimir Sorokin and Tommy Wieringa

Address by the Vice-mayor of Florence, Cristina Giachi

The shortlisted books of the Premio von Rezzori reviewed by one hundred students from high schools in Florence. The five best reviews will win a voucher/books donated by the bookshop Giunti al Punto.

15.30 Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Vladimir Sorokin in conversation with Elif Batuman

Moderated by Sergio Givone

Has Ivan the Terrible returned? Shortlisted for Day of the Oprichnik (La giornata di un Opričnik, Atmosphere Libri, translation by Denise Silvestri), Sorokin discusses the question with a writer and a philosopher, both experts in Russian literature.


16.30 Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Guadalupe Nettel in conversation with Valeria Parrella

Moderated by Andrea Bajani and Alberto Manguel 

The construction of identity, through irony and contrast, connects two contemporary writers: Nettel, shortlisted for The Body Where I Was Born (Il corpo in cui sono nata, translation by Federica Niola) and Parrella, with Troppa importanza all’amore, both published by Einaudi.

18.00  Cenacolo di Santa Croce

The Clothing of Books

Lectio magistralis by Jhumpa Lahiri

Introduced by Andrea Bajani

Free entry (seats limited)

Jhumpa Lahiri (winner of the Pulitzer prize and the Premio Gregor von Rezzori) is passionate about Italy and its language; she has written her latest book, In altre Parole (Guanda), in Italian.


21.00  Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Musical Writers

Michael Cunningham in conversation with Francesco Bianconi and Simone Lenzi  

Chaired by Fulvio Paloscia

An exclusive hit parade: Pulitzer prize-winner Michael Cunningham meets the two most original voices of Italian indie rock, Francesco Bianconi, voice of Baustelle, and Simone Lenzi, frontman of Virginiana Miller, to talk about music and books. 

Thursday 11 June

11.00 Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Tommy Wieringa in conversation with Andrea Bajani

Moderated by Wlodek Goldkorn

The journey of those adrift in the 21st century never ends: Wieringa, shortlisted for These are the Names (Questi sono i nomi, Iperborea, translation by Claudia Cozzi and Claudia di Palermo) discuss the subject with Bajani, author of Ogni promessa (Einaudi).

12.00 Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Andrew Miller in conversation with Alessandro Mari

Moderated by Leonetta Bentivoglio

The historical novel connects Miller, author of Pure (Pura, Bompiani, translation by Sergio Claudio Perroni) and Alessandro Mari, author of Troppo umana speranza (Feltrinelli). This is the enlightened 18th century seen from the bottom, from the depths of a cemetery that must be cleared.

15.00 Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Portraits of Americans

with Livia Manera Sambuy and Jhumpa Lahiri

Interviewed by Vanni Santoni

Extraordinary portraits from Non scrivere di me (Feltrinelli), drawn by the pen of a writer: Manera describes the terrified Forster Wallace, the shameless Richard Ford, the shrewd Mavis Gallant and a surprisingly tender Philip Roth.

16.00 Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi


Readings with Elif Batuman, Michael Cunningham, Andrew Sean Greer, Miguel Syjuco, Alessandro Mari, Maaza Mengiste, Tommaso Pincio, Carmen Pellegrino, Vanni Santoni, Antonio Scurati.

In collaboration with @stoleggendo, writers read the openings of their latest novels, to be tweeted and retweeted ad infinitum.

17.30 Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Dasa Drndic in conversation with Antonio Scurati.

Interviewed by Susanna Nirenstein and Edmund White

Nazism is sweeping through Trieste and Gorizia, and many people, the bystanders, are looking on. But not Leone Ginzburg, who stands against it. From Trieste (translation by Ljiljana Avirovic ) by the shortlisted Drndic to Il tempo migliore della nostra vita by Scurati (both published by Bompiani).

19.00 Cinema Odeon Firenze Piazza Strozzi


EROS: Casanova & Co.

Recital with Alba Rohrwacher and Filippo Timi

Texts chosen by Giorgio Ficara

With a contribution from Andrew Miller

Directed by Saverio Costanzo

Entry: full € 10 discount € 8 (pre-order at Cinema Teatro Odeon)

Two great actors read unedited passages on the theme of Eros: from Casanova to Michel Houellebecq, from Roland Barthes to Anaïs Nin. Preview clip from the film Casanova Variations by Michael Sturminger  with John Malkovich and Fanny Ardent.

21.30 Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Musical reading by Francesco Bianconi

With Ettore Bianconi (electronic) and Sebastiano de Gennaro (vibraphone)

Interviewed by Andrea Bajani

The leader of Baustelle talks about his new book La resurrezione della carne (Mondadori): a jam session invaded by zombies.

Friday 12 June

11.00 Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Travelling Writers

with Giorgio Ficara, Alberto Manguel, Massimo Onofri and Silvio Perrella

Moderated by Stefano Salis 

From Riviera by Ficara (Einaudi) to Passaggio in Sardegna by Onofri (Giunti), from the Naples of Perrella in Doppio scatto (Bompiani) to the fantastical places of Manguel: a journey into journeys.

12.00  Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Writers of Lost Lands

Dasa Drndic, Maaza Mengiste, Miguel Syjuco

Chaired by Vanni Santoni

Three writers about war, exile, violence: the Ethiopia of Mengiste, the Philippines of Syjuco and the former Yugoslavia of Drndic. What can literature do?

15.00 Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Writers of the Past

With Andrew Sean Greer and Aldo Nove and Carmen Pellegrino

Chaired by Rosa Polacco

The question is posed by Pasternak: “my dears, what century is it outside?” The responses come from Greta Wells by Greer (Bompiani, translation by Elena dal Pra), Antonello in Un bambino piangeva by Nove (Mondadori) and the inhabitants of an abandoned village in Cade la terra by Pellegrino (Giunti).

16.30  Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

Translating Don DeLillo

Federica Aceto, Translation Prize for End Zone by Don DeLillo (Einaudi), in conversation with Francesco Guglieri and Tommaso Pincio

Interviewed by Martina Testa, Ilide Carmignani and Leonardo Marcello Pignataro

A translator and her editor, a discussion mediated by a writer who is also a translator.

18.00 Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei Cinquecento

Award Ceremony

Presided over by Dario Nardella Mayor of Florence

In the presence of the jury for the best work of foreign fiction Ernesto Ferrero (president), Beatrice Monti della Corte, Alberto Manguel, Edmund White, Andrea Bajani and the jury for the best translation Martina Testa (president), Ilide Carmignani and Leonardo Marcello Pignataro.  Also present, the shortlisted authors Dasa Drndic, Andrew Miller, Guadalupe Nettel, Vladimir Sorokin, Tommy Wieringa and the winner of the translation prize Federica Aceto.



Premio von Rezzori – Città di Firenze VIII Edition


June 12–14, 2014


Lectio: Emmanuel Carrère

Theatre: Ralph Fiennes, Isabella Rossellini, Valeria Golino

Finalists: Leopoldo Brizuela, Maylis de Kerangal, Dave Eggers, Georgi Gospodinov, Tom McCarthy

Special Guests: Roberto Andò, Alberto Arbasino, Bernardo Bertolucci, Teresa Ciabatti, Giuseppe Civati, Jennifer Clement, Mauro Covavich, Michael Cunningham, Paolo Di Paolo, Pietro Galeotti, Piero Gelli, Sergio Giovone, Daniel Kehlmann, Jonathan Lethem, Michele de Mieri, Giorgio Pressburger, Massimo Raffaelli, Francesco Recami, Leonardo Sacchetti, Vanni Santoni, Elena Stancanelli, Giorgio Van Straten, Giorgio Vasta, Chiara Valerio, Vendela Vida




Thursday, June 12


Sala Ferri, Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux   |   Map >

  • Press Conference with the finalists and jury


Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi   |   Map >

  • Tom McCarthy (C,  Bompiani) in conversation with Chiara Valerio and Vanni Santoni


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • Leopoldo Brizuela (Una stessa notte, Ponte alle Grazie)  in conversation with Jennifer Clement and Francesco Recami


Cenacolo di Santa Croce

  • The Resemblance, the Lectio magistralis of Emmanuel Carrère
    Introduced by Ernesto Ferrero
    Free entry


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • Opening cocktail reception


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • #dissidenti
    Jonathan Lethem presents his new book, Dissident Gardens (Bompiani). In discussion with Roberto Andò, Giuseppe Civati. Chaired by Paolo di Paolo

Friday, June 13


Campi Bisenzio (Via Giusti 7)   |   Map >

  • Dave Eggers meets the children of Porto delle storie
    Interviewed by Leonardo Sacchetti.


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi   |   Map >

  • Gregor von Rezzori, One Hundred Years After
    After the re-release of The Death of My Brother Abel (Bompiani) and The Swan (Guanda), the panel of Paolo di PaoloDaniel KelhmannVolker Schlöndorff and Edmund White


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • Dave Eggers (Ologramma per il re, Mondadori) in conversation with Mauro Covacich and Elena Stancanelli.  Moderated by Giuliano Da Empoli.


Sala Ferri, Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux   |   Map >

  • Alberto Arbasino talks about his new book, Ritratti italiani (Adelphi)


Balcony of Palazzo Strozzi

  • The Dreamers: Words into Visions
    A roundtable with Bernardo Bertolucci, Emmanuel Carrère, Michael Cunningham, and Volker Schlöndorff , chaired by Dario Pappalardo of La Repubblica


Cinema Teatro Odeon   |   Map >

  • On the Traces of Gregor von Rezzori
    In the centenary of his birth: From Musil to Handke
    Recital with Ralph Fiennes, Valeria Golino and Isabella Rosselli
    Texts chosen by Claudio Magris and Giorgio Pressburger
    Directed by Volker Schlöndorff
    Entry: Full € 10, Discount € 8 (pre-order at, Cinema Teatro Odeon)

Saturday, June 14


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi   |   Map >

  • Georgi Gospodinov (Fisica della Malinconia, Voland) in conversation with Alberto Manguel and Giorgio Vasta


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • Maylis De Kerangal (Nascita di un ponte, Feltrinelli) in conversation with Andrea Bajani and Edmund White


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • The Believer – To believe in books, TV, radio, blog and magazines
    Rountable with Vendela Vida (The Believer)  Giorgio Van Straten (Nuovi argomenti)  Michele De Mieri (Radio 3 Fahrenheit) Pietro Galeotti (RAI, Che tempo che fa) Teresa Ciabatti (blogger, Io donna)
    Chaired by Fulvio Paloscia of la Repubblica


Sala Ferri, Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux   |   Map >

  • Sergio Givone and Massimo Raffaeli present the new book by Giorgio Pressburger Storia umana e inumana (Bompiani) in the presence of the author.


Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei Cinquecento   |   Map >

  • Award Ceremony for the VIII edition of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori – Città di Firenze in the presence of the Mayor of Florence, awarded by the jury Ernesto Ferrero (President of the Jury) Beatrice Monti della Corte, Alberto Manguel, Edmund White, Andrea Bajani
  • The ceremony will be the announcement of the winner of the prize for the best work of foreign fiction translated into Italian in the last year, with the five shortlisted authors: Leopoldo Brizuela, Maylis de Kerangal, Dave Eggers, Georgi Gospodinov and Tom McCarthy.



Premio von Rezzori – Città di Firenze VII Edition


June 12–14, 2013


Lectio: Patrick McGrath

Theatre: Jeremy Irons, Laura Morante

Finalists: Juan Gabriel Vasquez, Jennifer Egan, Etgar Keret, Jeanette Winterson

Special Guests: Roberto Andò, Alba Arikha, Francesco M. Cataluccio, Michael Cunningham, Luca Doninelli, Mario Fortunato, Andrew Sean Greer, Christian Raimo, Alessandro Raveggi, Vanni Santoni, Antonio Scurati, Elena Stancanelli, Colm Toìbìn

Giogrio Van Straten





Wednesday, June 12


Balconata of Palazzo Strozzi   |   Map >

  • Through the Eyes of the Absent
    conversation between Juan Gabriel Vásquez and Antonio Scurati
    with Alessandro Raveggi
    (finalist Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Il rumore delle cose che cadono, Ponte alle Grazie)


Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Sala Luca Giordano   |   Map >

  • Writing Madness lectio magistralis by Patrick McGrath
    welcome by Andrea Barducci, President of the Provincia di Firenze
    Free entry, limited space


Cinema Odeon   |   Map >

  • projection of Trashed – towards zero waste (UK, 2012, 97′)
    a film by Candida Brady with Jeremy Irons
    before the projection Jeremy Irons will greet the public
    event in collaboration with Satya Doc – Cinehall Distribution
    full-price ticket  8.00 euro, reduced 6.00 euro (prevendita su


Balconata of Palazzo Strozzi

  • Cocktail


  • A Cinematic Vocation: Three Writers Tell Their Stories
    conversation between Michael Cunningham, Atiq Rahimi, Roberto Andò
    moderated by Giorgio Van Straten
    welcome by Giuliano da Empoli, President of the Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux
    (finalist Atiq Rahimi Maledetto Dostoevskij, Einaudi)

Thursday, June 13


  • From the Cemetary of Laurels to Bellosguardo: in the footsteps of Henry James
    with Colm Tóibín (author of The Master, a novel about Henry James)
    free guided bus tour, limited space


Balconata of Palazzo Strozzi   |   Map >

  • Florence and Italy as Seen by Others
    conversation between Mario Fortunato (L’Italia degli altri, Neri Pozza), Luca Doninelli (Salviamo Firenze, Bompiani) Francesco M. Cataluccio (La memoria degli Uffizi, Sellerio)
    moderated by Sergio Risaliti


Balconata of Palazzo Strozzi

  • Reading and Translating Virgil in the era of Facebook
    with Alessandro Fo, winner of the Prize for translation of  the Aeneid by Publio Virginio Marone (Einaudi)
    with Alberto Castelvecchi, Andrea Landolfi, Claudia Zonghetti


Balconata of Palazzo Strozzi

  • Surprise Party
    conversation between Etgar Keret and Christian Raimo
    with Vanni Santoni
    (finalist Etgar Keret, All’improvviso bussano alla porta, Feltrinelli)


Balconata of Palazzo Strozzi

  • Always Meeting Ourselves
    conversation between Jennifer Egan and Michael Cunningham (both winners of the Pulitzer Prize)
    with Elena Stancanelli
    (finalist Jennifer Egan, Guardami, minimun fax)


Cinema Teatro Odeon   |   Map >

    Politics and Literature: In Celebration of 500 Years of The Prince
    Recital by Jeremy Irons and Laura Morante
    Selected texts from Niccolò Machiavelli, Italo Calvino, Milan Kundera, Alan Bennett and Vladimir Nabokov
    With a tribute to A Stranger in Lolitaland by Gregor von Rezzori
    curated by Roberto Andò, with directorial consultation by Volker Schlöndorff
    entry: full € 10 reduced € 8 (reserve through, Cinema Teatro Odeon)

Friday, June 14


Balconata of Palazzo Strozzi   |   Map >

  • Becoming What You Are
    conversation between Jeanette Winterson, Andrew Sean Greer and Mario Fortunato
    with Fulvio Paloscia
    (finalist Jeanette Winterson, Perché essere felice quando puoi essere normale?, Mondadori)


Sala Ferri, Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux   |   Map >

  • Don Quixote’s Library
    by Alberto Manguel
    introduced by Sergio Givone


Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei Cinquecento   |   Map >

  • Prize Ceremony of the VII edition of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori – Città di Firenze with the participation of the mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi. With jury members Ernesto Ferrero (President of the jury for a foreign work of fiction) Beatrice Monti della Corte, Alberto Manguel, Edmund White, Andrea Landolfi (President of the jury for translation) Alberto Castelvecchi and Claudia Zonghetti.
  • During the ceremony the prize for translation will be awarded to Alessandro Fo for his translation of the Aeneid by Publio Virginio Marone (Einaudi). The winner of the prize for the best work of foreign fiction translated into Italian will also be announced. The finalists: Jennifer Egan, Etgar Keret, Atiq Rahimi, Juan Gabriel Vásquez, and Jeanette Winterson will be present.


Courtyard of Le Murate   |   Map >

  • A Canon for the New Millenium
  • Alba Arikha, Michael CunninghamMario FortunatoAndrew Sean GreerEtgar KeretAlberto ManguelPatrick McGrathAtiq RahimiChristian RaimoAlessandro RaveggiGianluigi RicuperatiVanni SantoniPeter StammElena StancanelliGiorgio Van StratenColm TóibínJuan Gabriel VásquezEdmund WhiteJeanette Winterson



Premio von Rezzori – Città di Firenze VI Edition


June 13–15, 2012


Lectio: Michael Ondaatje

Theatre: Ruth Gabriel and Fabrizio Gifuni

Finalists: Enrique Villa-Matas, Emmanuel Carrère, Jenny Erpenbeck, Damon Galgut, Jón Kalman Stefánsson

Special Guests: Roberto Andò, Andrea Bajani, Roberto Bertinetti, Michela Cescon, Kiran Desai, Tommaso Pincio, Elisabetta Rasy, Gianluigi Ricuperati, Vanni Santoni, Stefania Scateni, Elena Stancanelli, Colm Toìbìn, Chiara Valerio, Alessandro Zaccuri




Wednesday, June 13


Cinema Teatro Odeon   |   Map >

  • Press conference with the finalists for the Premio Gregor von Rezzori – Città di Firenze for foreign fiction and with the winner of the prize for best translation.  With Beatrice Monti della Corte, Ernesto Ferrero, Alberto Manguel, Edmund White, Andrea Landolfi, Alberto Castelvecchi and Claudia Zonghetti.
  • In attendance: Emmanuel Carrère (Vite che non sono la mia, Einaudi), Jenny Erpenbeck (Di passaggio, Zandonai) Damon Galgut (In una stanza sconosciuta, e/o) Jón Kalman Stefánsson (Paradiso e inferno, Iperborea) Enrique Vila-Matas (Esploratori dell’abisso, Feltrinelli) and the winner of the prize for best translation, Bruno Berni for I figli dei guardiani di elefanti by Peter Høeg, Mondadori.
  • Opening remarks by Giuliano da Empoli, President of the Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux


Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Sala Luca Giordano   |   Map >

  • “Arte meticcia” Lectio magistralis by Michael Ondaatje
    Welcome from Andrea Barducci, Presidente della Provincia di Firenze


Cortile di Palazzo Strozzi   |   Map >

  • Andrea Bajani and Colm Toíbín in conversation with Enrique Vila-Matas, author of Esploratori dell’abisso, Feltrinelli

Thursday, June 14


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi   |   Map >

  • Tommaso Pincio and Vanni Santoni in conversation with Damon Galgut, author of In una stanza sconosciuta, e/o


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • The Literature of the North
    writing, translating, editing
    Round table with Bruno Berni, Alberto Castelvecchi, Andrea Landolfi, Björn Larsson, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Claudia Zonghetti


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • Literature is not private property
    Virginia Woolf inedita, più snob che militante, e maestra di letture
    In occasione dell’uscita del libro Consigli a un aspirante scrittore di Virginia Woolf (Bur – Rizzoli) a cura di Roberto Bertinetti. Intervengono Chiara Valerio e Elisabetta Rasy. Letture di Michela Cescon


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • Gianluigi Ricuperati e Elena Stancanelli conversazione con Emmanuel Carrère, autore di Vite che non sono la mia, Einaudi


Cinema Teatro Odeon   |   Map >

  • La noche española
    Viaggi italiani di scrittori di lingua spagnola da Cervantes a Borges a Javier Marías
    recital con Ruth Gabriel e Fabrizio Gifuni
    Voce narrante Ernesto Ferrero
    Consulenza di regia di Volker Schlöndorff
    Saluto iniziale di Cristina Scaletti, Assessore alla cultura della Regione Toscana
    Ingresso: intero € 8 ridotto € 5 (prevendite presso Boxoffice, Cinema Teatro Odeon) 

Friday, June 15


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi   |   Map >

  • Roberto Andò e Alessandro Zaccuri conversazione con Jón Kalman Stefánsson, autore di Paradiso e inferno, Iperborea


Balconata di Palazzo Strozzi

  • Björn Larsson e Stefania Scateni conversazione con Jenny Erpenbeck, autrice di Di passaggio, Zandonai


Palazzo Vecchio   |   Map >

  • Cerimonia di premiazione della 6a edizione del Premio Gregor von Rezzori – Città di Firenze
    Alla presenza del Sindaco di Firenze, Matteo Renzi
    Conducono Ernesto Ferrero (Presidente della giuria per la narrativa straniera) e Andrea Landolfi (Presidente della giuria per la traduzione)
    Nel corso della cerimonia verrà annunciato il vincitore del Premio per la migliore opera di narrativa straniera tradotta in Italia
    Presenti inoltre: Beatrice Monti della Corte, Alberto Castelvecchi, Björn Larsson, Alberto Manguel, Edmund White, Claudia Zonghetti


  • Aperitivo nel Cortile di Palazzo Strozzi


  • Stories con vista
    Sguardi e racconti dalle Indie Orientali
    Incontro con Kiran Desai e Michael Ondaatje
    Modera Gianluigi Ricuperati



Premio von Rezzori – Città di Firenze IV Edition


16–18 Giugno, 2010


Lectio: Zadie Smith

Theatre: Isabella Rossellini and Colm Toìbìn

Finalists: Aleksander Hemon, Marie Ndiaye, David Mitchell, Miguel Syjuco, Wells Tower

Special Guests: Lorenzo Pavolini, Gianluigi Ricuperati, Elena Stancanelli, Colm Toìbìn, Chiara Valerio, Giorgio Vasta





Wednesday 15 June


  • Palazzo Tornabuoni   |   Map >
    Press Conference


  • Libreria Feltrinelli   |   Map >
    Translating The Great Gatsby


  • Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, Sala Luca Giordano   |   Map >
    Why Write?  lectio magistralis by Zadie Smith

Thursday 16 June


  • Libreria MelbookStore
    Elena Stancanelli in conversation with Marie NDiaye


  • Libreria Edison   |   Map >
    Chiara Valerio in conversation with Wells Tower


  • Libreria Feltrinelli   |   Map >
    Gianluigi Ricuperati in conversation with David Mitchell


  • Le Murate   |   Map >
    Livia Manera in conversation with Zadie Smith


  • Cinema Teatro Odeon   |   Map >
    On Love recital done by Isabella Rossellini and Colm Toibin

Friday 17 June


  • Libreria Edison   |   Map >
    Lorenzo Pavolini in conversation with Miguel Syjuco


  • Libreria MelbookStore
    Giorgio Vasta in conversation with Aleksandar Hemon


  • Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei Cinquecento   |   Map >
    Award Ceremony


  • Le Murate   |   Map >
    An Important Book in my Life with Ernesto FerreroEdmund WhiteAlberto ManguelColm Toibin, Bjorn Larsson



Premio von Rezzori – Città di Firenze IV Edition


June 16–18, 2010


Lectio: Michael Cunningham

Theatre: Ralph Fiennes and Alba Rohrwacherù

Finalists: Percival Everett, Hector Abad, Nam Le, Jean Echenoz

Special Guests: Alessandro Baricco, Luigi Brioschi




Wednesday, June 16


  • NYU Villa La Pietra   |   Map >
    I finalisti incontrano la stampa
    Segue buffet


  • Libreria Feltrinelli presentazione di   |   Map >
    L’attesa è Meravigliosa di Gregor von Rezzori


  • Cinema Odeon- Piazza Strozzi   |   Map >
    Alessandro Baricco e Alberto Manguel Conversazione su Dante ?
    segue buffet


  • Lettura dalla Divina Commedia
    (traduzione di Seamus Heaney)
    Ralph Fiennes
    Laura Morante

Thursday, June 17

Ore 11:00

  • Libreria Edison incontro con Percival Everett   |   Map >

Ore 12:00

  • Libreria MelbookStore incontro con Jean Echenoz

Ore 16:00

  • Libreria Edison incontro con Rose Tremain


  • Palazzo Medici Riccardi   |   Map >
    Lectio magistralis di Michael Cunningham
    Cena da Maria Vittoria Rimbotti (?)

Friday, June 18


  • Libreria Feltrinelli incontro con Hector Abad   |   Map >


  • Libreria MelbookStore incontro con Nam Le


  • Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei Cinquecento   |   Map >
    Cerimonia di premiazione
    Cena da Gioia Marchi Falck